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Incorporate a fresh, green design with the functionality of a hand sanitiser, while minimising floor space usage. Our stylish unit is available in white or silver and can accommodate a live plant or a silk plant based on your requirements. Set the right impression from the front door to the boardroom with this innovative Ambius product.
Make hygiene second nature with a stylish addition to your reception and high traffic areas. Sanitise your hands while benefitting from the beauty of a fully serviced plant. You might not be aware but people are more productive and calmer in the presence of plants. Learn more about biophilia here.
Our Sanigreen hand sanitising stand is fitted with our award-winning Signature No-Touch Hand Sanitiser unit. All Signature units contain silver-ion technology to minimise cross contamination and prevent the spread of germs, and dispense a quality hand sanitiser solution that kills 99.9% of germs.